So, on a recent wander around South Kensington I stopped to once more try and understand the Whoopie Pie at Hummingbird Bakery.
This time I went for a pumpkin one, they are pretty huge and I couldn't finish it but it was my lunch after all! the flavour was really really subtly spiced, sort of cinnamon flavours and warming with (as always) the great cream cheese frosting. I couldn't really find the pumpkin behind the frosting.
I am sure as far as Whoopie Pies go, it was great but I just don't understand the point of the Whoopie. I am told (wikipedia, naturally) that a whoopie pie can be considered as a cookie, pie or cake, and was invented in America as wives and mothers used the left over cake batter to make mini cakes for their husbands and kids lunch boxes (which resulted in a Whoopieee! of excitement).
Pie, I understand. Outer casing and tasty inside. However, maybe I am being pedantic but a pie is more about the filling than the crust (to me anyway) and this Whoopie seems about the 'outer' sponge and 'inner' frosting in equal measure. So Pie it is not, in my humble, British opinion.
But, nor is it a cookie. I need to eat it either with both hands or a fork. And cake? Well, it's heavier and not nearly as fluffy.
I suppose I am trying to digest what the Whoopie offers me that a cake, cookie, or pie doesn't. It is more a muffin with cream or a simply, fun, reworked idea on the cake I guess. I don't hate it, I just don't love it, and can't think when I would go for one over a slice of carrot cake.
Rant over.
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